Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Friday!

I was talking to my husband the other day and Fridays came up in the conversation. We talked about how Fridays have changed in their meaning since we have had a baby. Before Nora we would look forward to Fridays as a night out with friends. Having cocktails, not having to worry about how much we drink and if we were going to spend the night at a friends or if we will be able to make it home. We looked forward to Fridays as a break from school and work. Fridays meant it was the weekend and we could lay around and watch movies all day. We could just be lazy for 2 days.

Now Fridays have a whole new meaning. Usually Friday nights are spent at home. We spend time playing with Nora, if she is lucky she may get to stay up a little longer than normal... a whopping 7:30!!! After she goes down we usually watch a movie or catch up on TV shows that have been on our DVR for the week. We may have a drink, but nothing to crazy. Now these Fridays are perfect. I get to catch up with my husband and how his week has been. Friday then leads to Saturday which is usually a trip to Target (maybe Bed, Bath and Beyond... haha). We also usually do a "family" activity on Saturdays. Last weekend we went sledding. Other times it is a walk in the park, mall, something just to get us out and have let Nora get some interaction with others. If we do go out on the weekends it is usually on a Saturday. We try to go out atleast once a month and Nora is able to have a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's. Sundays are just stay at home days. It is a day to get ready for the upcomming week.

This weekend is a little different for us though. We are going to Target today...on a Friday!! Saturday will be a night out for us! And Sunday will be relaxing...

What are your plans for the weekend? Have your weekends change since having kids, getting married or just getting older?


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Usually, lately anyway, ours are quite quiet as I am finishing up schoolwork. So we usually stay in on Friday and go out and about on Saturday - lately to open houses and lunch somewhere. On Sunday I've been doing schoolwork and Q is off to my parents' house. This weekend though - it's the superbowl! So I'll fit schoolwork in during naps and stuff.

  2. Oh my gosh! I forgot about the Superbowl. We will be staying home watching it. I have some New York style pizza and some lobster ravioli. I also got some 7 layer dip and onion dip. Num!!
